Michael Wolf's Home Page

Michael Wolf
School of Mathematics
Georgia Institute of Technology
686 Cherry Street
Atlanta, GA 30332-0160 USA

Office: Room 118b, Skiles Hall


Professor and Chair
(Also Milton B. Porter Emeritus Professor in Mathematics at Rice University).
B.S.(1981) Yale University; Ph.D.(1986) Stanford University.

Research Interests


Read all about it

The genus one helicoid (image by Matthias Weber) attracted some attention for minimal surface theory in the lay press:
Science News and American Scientist both published accounts.

The (wonderful) Simons Foundation produced a short video profile of me in 2020.

Some Pictures of Surfaces

My collaborator, Matthias Weber, maintains an interesting
gallery of minimal and other surfaces on his home page.

The Rice Emerging Scholars Program

While I was on the faculty at Rice University (1988-2022), I co-founded and co-directed the Rice Emerging Scholars Program (RESP). This project comprised a comprehensive suite of activities to help students with fantastic potential for success in STEM realize their ambitions, even if their high school preparation was not ideal. You can read about the program here.

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